Why the Trials and Errors of Thor and Loki!


Many would wonder why I write blogs about what my two puppies are up to and write as if it were them writing, and not me.

I can explain……………

I have a condition called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS for short). Due to this condition, I am unable to work and I can not have children of my own. My pets take the place of children for me.

To over come things such as total boredom, I started writing fun things my previous dog experienced. Unfortunately, he passed away last year (2015). We finally brought home Thor & Loki, even as puppies they had such character.

My hubby asked me whether I would be writing about Thor & Loki, a good question…..why wasn’t I writing about them. When I was finally true to myself I realised I was still grieving our other dog, he was the one who was with us when I was diagnosed, when we lost our baby, when we married, when I was told I can not have children, when I nearly died and so much more. He was part of our life for 15 years.

One day I found my fingers tapping the keys and soon I realised I had started the Trials and Errors of Thor and Loki. Watching them play, sleep, play and so many other puppy things. I realised that my pain was easing as I was concentrating on them and when I sit and type, the pain eases again.

I wanted to bring a happiness and a smile to people who read the Trials and Errors, maybe, just maybe someone would read these to their children.

Whether others get enjoyment, or it is just to help my pain and boredom. The Trial and Errors of Thor & Loki will continue.  With fingers crossed, I do hope others enjoy reading them.

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